
Tuesday 5 March 2013


Been extremely tired the last few days. I slept a lot at the weekend because I could, took a sleeping pill on Sunday night so I could get rested for work on Monday, and accidentally slept too long today and was a bit late for work.

I've also started sneezing, sniffing and having itchy eyes again so I'm wondering if hayfever has suddenly come upon me, although I always thought my hayfever was around April/May, not March... unless it's cat allergies again.

I'm sat at my desk trying really hard to stay awake, though I wonder if that's "food sleeps" - the other younger colleagues and myself went out for burgers and fries - and I got a milkshake to sip casually this afternoon, which I just finished after near 2 hours of casual sipping - as a sort of goodbye lunch. The food was fantastic but now I'm so sleepy...

My friend put it a good way - red meat, carbs and dairy must be good insomnia busters. I should bear that in mind.

Last night I managed to get some nude coloured bras which I desperately needed for my new work gear. I actually got two nude and one black, and another Uniqlo Airism vest top in white (have two nude and one black already). I had to stop myself from buying pretty tights while I was there, even though I really want some.

I ended up going to Marks and Spencers since I wanted practical bras that wouldn't break the bank, and my friends have raved about M&S's comfort levels.

But I have to say that on the whole their bras aren't for me. Out of the 5 I tried on, only 2 fit properly, and there were only 5 in the whole store that I could wear as work bras. The rest didn't particularly tickle my fancy either, so I'm back to wondering why people rave about them so much. I suppose two pluses for them/raving about them are their 2-packs and the fact that they go up to very large cup sizes...

My allowance has come in so I am a bit tempted to go to Victoria's Secret, since it'll be at least a year before I can go there again... Although, something I have noticed with their bras is that the back strap and shoulder straps stretch very easily, so much so I now have to wear them on tighter settings. This normally happens with bras as they wear out and the elastic stretches, but I think my VS bras win the award for it happening the quickest.

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